My dream flat

If you are looking room to rent you may know how difficult sometimes it is to find a suitable flat. As a student I was looking for some budget place in the websites where classified and London are published. When I first came to UK I lived in a student hostel and that was really comfortable for me. I realized that one day I will be forced to find another flat or room and that will not be easy for me. But I really didn’t expect so many issues. Let me tell you how it was.

Deposit was frustrating

Room to rentI was in shock when I saw how big the deposit is. Normally, when you are renting a flat or a room in London you have to pay the rent taxes for tree – six months. It was absolutely too much for me! As a working student I couldn’t afford such an expensive living places. So I decided too find another room to rent where I would not be forced to pay such a huge deposit.

All flats reserved

And then I find out another barrier. Everything what could be being suitable for me was already reserved. I became awake like a spy – looking in ads websites for hours waiting for a new suitable ad would appear. But once I called to any new lessor, I would get the refuse and excuses because the room was just reserved a second ago. Regarding all this situation I became really desperate because I didn’t know if I find a room or if I live in a street for the next year.

The agency did help

Finally my friend gave me a good advice. She told me to stop looking classified ads London and to find a reliable ads agency. And I found one which suggested me many valuable proposals for real estate. There were some flats in the center and no long term deposit. Also I get a proposal to live in a suburb in a gorgeous wild nature, but that didn’t festinate me. As I said before, living in a center of the city is really important for me because here is my work and my university and I don’t want to cope a long way everyday.

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